marți, 10 august 2010


When i was little i wanted to be God. But i didnt realized how many problems i'll have to solve. To save the world and to bring peace.
To fill the world with love and destroy the hate.
To take care of ill people and cure them with faith.
To tell them that not all ends with hate. Even if just a few would understand.

I'm just a kid anyway. A simple kid in an imperfect world !

3 comentarii:

  1. Nu am inteles chiar tot , dar ii foarte adevarat si superb ! :X
    Degeaba esti bun , ca nu obtii nimic . :|
    Numai esti luat la misto si asa . :P
    Acusi ''smecherie e pe trend' /:] .
    N-ai ce face , iubita . :|
    This is the life ! ;]
    I Love yOu ! :*
